Posted On: 30-Apr-2024 03:07:54 Posted In: Life Experiences / Life
Posted By: Samantha Salazar

Plans to finish the school year strong strong

For the last few weeks of the school year I plan to focus on only my school work and studying. I want to make to sure to go out strong regarding grades. I hope to achieve a 4.0. That has been my one goal for this semester. Last semester I got 1st honors and i felt very proud, but I want more. I want to do the best I possibly can. Mainly I just want to prove to myself and others that I am smart and can achieve what I want to if I really put my mind to it. In order to do this though, I plan on getting in all my work, doing my best to not miss school, and, if I do miss school, do my best to get everything in by the deadline. I want to study for tests more than i usually would, I want to work on my organization, and I want to do well on my finals, just as I did last semester. 


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