Posted On: 30-Apr-2024 03:09:09 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: jackie


                                                                                         The Fair 

I went to the fair on friday, saturday, and sunday. It was really fun. I got to hangout with my friends the entire weekend. We went on rides, there weren't a ton of rides so we just got on them multiple times. There were a lot of people I saw from sacred heart. My friends and I were walking around the fair and talking to each other about things. Two of my friends boyfriends went which was fun because me and my other friends pushed them into the maze of mirrors. They kept bumping their heads on it. The food was good too. My friends and I got a funnel cake to share and that was good. I also got a strawberry drink which was really good. Over all the fair was fun!


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