Posted On: 30-Apr-2024 03:09:59 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: avocados :)

end the year strong

My plans to end the year strong are to do my work on time and complete all my missing assigments. The only class I have missing assigments for is mainly math but I'll get my grade up. I want to end the year strong with all A's or all A's and one B. I also need to learn to not procrastinate because I wait till the last minute to do my homework and then go to sleep late and then I'm all tired for school. I am also going to take time out of my day to really understand a lesson I didn't get. What I mean by that is that I will take time to go online and look at videos or problems that could help me in math because thats the main topic I need more help on, and really pay attention to them to fully understand it. I will also take tutouring classes. 


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