Posted On: 30-Apr-2024 08:51:39 Posted In: Education / School
Posted By: violetteros3

End of the School Year

This year. my freshman year, was 100% different and very weird. I had many met many different girls and I am so grateful for the whole year. I had learned so much throughout the year and unfortunately saying goodbye to some of my favorite seniors. However, I wish the best of luck to them in college and hope they do their best like I know they will. There was also lots of unessacary drama this year between friends and enemies. However, I think everyone will be closer one day. For the end of the school year I will lock in and catch up or work on all my missing assignments. I am going to try my best to get Highest Honors as well. Last year I got first honors when I thought I was going to get High Honors. This was due to the minuses in my A's. I wish I had known sooner so I could do better. However, I had not known. 


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