Posted On: 01-May-2024 12:16:59 Posted In: Education / education
Posted By: mruiz16

What Are My Plans To Finish The School Year Strong?

Now that the school year is finishing I’m preparing myself for the finals and will try my hardest to finish my sophomore year with first honors. Im not gonna say that I’m not nervous or scared for the finals because I am. Exams,quizzes, etc are really not for me because I tend to overthink and stress about it but I’m praying that I will do good in those seven exams. However, some ways that I plan to finish this school year strong is by studying for every exam that I have and try to put my grades as high as I can before the finals. Another way that I am going to try to finish this year strong is by going to tutoring for the classes that I need the most help which it would be Geometry and Physics. Moreover, I really hope that my junior year is a great year and where I won’t give up when things get to stressing or to hard. I am excited for next year and hoping for better accomplishments and more. 


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