Posted On: 01-May-2024 03:00:52 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: blueberrymentos

End of the school year

This school year has felt super long at times and super fast in others,but nonetheless it's been an overall good experience for me and a good way to start my highschool years. I've had a lot of fun outside of school and making friends, forming bonds, getting to know people, etc. The only thing thats been holding me back is my school work because I fell behind this weekend and now have 10 missing assignments. When your missing assignments start stacking on eachother, everything seems 10x more stressful even if they aren't hard or especially complicated. I don't like falling behind on school work because then it all just piles up on eachother and just stresses me out even more than it should. My plan is to take it step by step and assignment by assignment.


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