Posted On: 02-May-2024 03:56:27 Posted In: Education / School
Posted By: 2hot.kfc

End of the school yr

The last few months of the school year is the last stretch, this is the time where we have to out out dedication and hard work into fulfilling completing our assignments and turning them in on time or even at all. For me this is the hardest part of the school year because after spring break I just want to be done and finish the school year. I have to take a step back and gather myself to have enough motivation. This is also the time of Ap exams which is always extremely stressful. I have one week and then I have my exam and I’m stressing because I haven’t even studied. Last year on the exam i got a 1, this year my goal is to at least get something above a 1. I plan on organizing myself and my mind to have the mental capability to turn in my assignments. I plan on being on top of all my assignments so they don’t pile up and I need to organize my classes in significance. First I need to prepare for my Ap exam then I can focus on everything else. 


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