Posted On: 02-May-2024 05:49:25 Posted In: Other / SCHOOL
Posted By: beth_allyn0508

My Plans on Ending this Year Strong

We know this school year is coming to an end and to be honest I don't know how to feel about this. I am feeling a mix of emotions. For example, im feeling excited, glad, sad and stressed, of course. Excited because well, no more homework, classwork, quizes, exams, and finals, glad because we are almost there, just a few weeks to go. But these to emotions suck, i said sad because I just noticed that time goes by so fast, you were once a 5th grade student but now your about to become a junior in high school. I remember being an elemantary student being so excited to leave school, for summer break, i wouldnt even be sad i would be more then honored to leave but now it just hits different, as a student that has been to seven different schools in exactly ten years it hits even worse. But stressed too, because we worry about our grades the last minute, we are all stressed figuring out what to do to bring grades up, and we also got to worry about finals of course so we get stressed even more studying if we even do. So this year im planning to end this year with studying and going over everything i did this semester in class, i want to earn myself good grades, and i want to leave to summer break with a good fare well to my best friend knowing i wont be attending the school im in for next year, since its most likely im gonna transfer to another city, since I know I would be leaving another friend behind and i know you might be saying why not get their contact number or their instagram, well im just gonna say im a 16 year with no phone. But these are my only concerns this end of the Year.


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