Posted On: 06-May-2024 05:00:42 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: blueberrymentos


This weekend, I had the opportunity to attend an event linked with this group called Scholas, who helps combat against issues that teenagers are facing nowadays and helps provide solutions to these issues. I met a lot of people who are part of the program, it is located in Norwalk and that's where the event/conference was held. We had the opportunity to make different sports equipment out of only rags and recyclable materials. We made soccer balls, footballs, baseballs, and basketballs out of recyclable equipment and leftover fabrics. I made a few friends, but more importantly, I got closer to people that I already know and are just not close with, like my friend Angie. I spent most of the second day of the event with her and we bonded over whatever we had in common.


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