Posted On: 06-May-2024 05:06:49 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: SSavvvvvannah


I want it to be summer already. I hate being in juvenile prison. I know hate is a strong word. I highly dislike it. I want to go home every time i'm here. I honestly dread it. I need to come though in order to get my grades in check. I need to get my these A's up in order to get out. If I don't got it up, I gotta stay in extra over vacation, even though after i'ma get convicted again & come back to juvi another year. I don't know why i'm being convicted and am forced to stay here. I am not a felon, nor have I committed any sort of crime. I didn't think driving 120 in a school zone was a felony. Everyday i've been attempting to contact a family member to bail me out. If I do end up contacting one, they never do. The only thing that keeps me going is making sure my grades are good. Once they are, i'm leaving early.


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