Posted On: 06-May-2024 05:19:11 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: marilynflores


My friend came over on friday and basically we walked around n went to different stores and bought a bunch of different snacks. at first we bough ramen and then we went to my house and cooked it and it was really really good and yummy. Then we were bored so we went to a different store and bought a tonnnnnnnnn more snacks for us to eat. We had mac n cheese. cheetos. fries. and nacho cheese. We both just sat on my bed and watched a movie. then we started talking about what happened at our schools since we both go to different school we give eachother the inside loop of what happens in there. we also just there on our phones for a while. we also bought different things. to do our hair and it was pretty fubn. So i basically we waiting for her mom to come pick her up becuase she isnt allowed to sleep over. 


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