Posted On: 06-May-2024 06:43:59 Posted In: Food / food
Posted By: Samantha Salazar

My favorite candy

Today I will be writing/typing about my favorite candy. I don't usually eat candy that much becuase I'm not crazy about sweets. A few years ago I would have told you that my favorite candy was m&ms or gummies but it has changed just a bit. I still love gummies like gummy bears or gummy worms but instead of m&ms i would rather eat snickers. I've also warmed up quite a bit to caramel (due to snickers). One type of candy that I could not handle eating would be any type of sour gummy candy. I personally just don't think they are good. Im also not a fan of marshmellos or anything of that consistancy. One candy I hope to try are the crystalized gummies i see on my for you page. I love the crunch that it gives when someone eats them and hope that I one day get the opportunity to try them. 


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