Posted On: 06-May-2024 09:17:27 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: im_team10

Up coming weekend

This upcoming weekend i am FINALLY going to see my best friend ever. We have not seen each other in so long. We have not seen each other in almost a month which is crazy. We mostly see each other every week or whenever we can. Then all of the weekends we have been busy or one of us cant. I am so excited to see them cause they are my best friend ever and i am so happy that i get to see them. We are either going to go to the mall or if he has a game i will go to his game but for sure i am seeing him which is actually awesome. Also on Thursday it is my fathers birthday and that day i am going to palm springs which my dad has always wanted to do with us for a while now. This also means i am not going to be here Friday which is very great. My dads favorite thing to do for his birthday is spend time with us and i think that is very cute. We are his best friends and we make him laugh all the time. This week is going to be super exciting and i am so pumped and ready. 


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