Doctors Report:
Developmental: delayed development, learning disability, short stature, speech delay.
Eyes: lazy eyes/spots
Common: difficulty thinking and understanding, bent little finger, congenital heart disease, displacement of tongue, hearing loss, vision disorder, mouth breather, obesity
Treatment options:
Exercising - 20-30 minutes 5 days a week
Special Education - addresses their unique needs of each individual
Therapies - support group, speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy
no specific treatment for Down syndrome
How many people get this? I in every 100 babies
How common is it? 1 of 700 babies, less than 11%
Who is most likely to get it? pregnant women 39+
Down syndrome is not curable.
Research being down on this disorder.
Doctors are trying to find treatments, but have not been successful.
Available technologies or products to assist in living with this disorder.
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