Posted On: 06-May-2024 09:42:59 Posted In: Automotive / BEST CAR DEALERSHIP!!
Posted By: elsachickenalfredo


Parent’s Report:

Changes to daily routine

The changes would include frequent doctor visits. Going to many therapy sessions. Another would be slower mornings.

Accommodations that must be made

Visual and auditory accommodations in a classroom. Lots of patience. Attending physical, occupational, and speech therapy. Therapeutic staff support in case of breakdown.

Estimated medical costs

From birth to 18 years old, estimated cost would be $230,000 - $1,065 a month.

Emotional impact on you, your spouse, your child and the rest of your “family’

Parents can experience shock, grief, and anxiety. Child might feel a sense of unwanting and other family may feel a need to help.

If you need to move somewhere to be near treatment and support groups

Yes, there are not many support groups or treatment centers around my area.