Posted On: 06-May-2024 09:43:19 Posted In: Automotive / car
Posted By: elsachickenalfredo


es, there are not many support groups or treatment centers around my area.

Will your child be treated differently? How will this affect them?

Yes, my child will be treated differently at school and in public. This will make their self esteem lower. 

Community Resources:

Local treatment centers (with contact information)

Children's hospital Los Angeles 4650 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles. Phone: (888) 631-2452

National foundations that provide grants or other support (with contact information) 

Down for dance (949) 478-3224

Special schools or programs the child would need to attend (with contact information) 

Down Syndrome Association of Los Angeles 14445 Terra Bella St. Panorama City, CA 91402 (818) 786-0001 

Local businesses that provide financial support (with contact information)

Down Syndrome Association of Central California (559) 228-0411

Online support if nothing is available locally (with contact information)