Posted On: 07-May-2024 01:32:10 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Anonymous

AP Exams

AP exams are in full swing. Within the next two weeks, students will be completing exams for college credit. In my junior year of high school, I took two exams; this year, I am going to take three. AP exams are supposed to replicate college courses, challenging students. In the long run, you may save on tuition because you are paying for fewer classes. They also look good on college applications. There are many benefits, like the ones I mentioned, but there are also some cons. AP exams are expensive; they are about $100, which can create a large expense for families. In addition, there is no guarantee that you will pass the exam, which means you could potentially lose time and money. As a student, you should make the best judgment whether the risk is worth the reward.