Posted On: 07-May-2024 07:01:22 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Isabella Lopez

My weekend

This past weekend I spent it working the golf tournament and then I had spent both Saturday and Sunday playing like a little kid at Scholas and when I was there I met new people who were willing to work together although we didn't know each other. For the first event of the weekend on Friday I only slept about three hours and for the second day which was the first day of Scholas I ended up playing a little bit of Basketball and I got to realized that since I haven't played in a little while which led to me shooting from 75% to now shouting about 10% out of 100. The second day was when I realized that I need to start practicing my shoots because as I large group we decided to play a game and I made one shot after being passed the ball at least 7 times. Anyways it was overall a fun experience although I was pretty tired after.


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