Posted On: 07-May-2024 07:06:49 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Brena24


Summer is the season where most of us look forward to as students or just in general. Summer is where we are able to have freedom away from school and be able to enjoy ourselves. Although during the summertime it gets hot, the activities are so fun. But what's not so fun is when there are heat waves and when the amusement parks are super packed. But other than that, the moments like that are the most memorable and that's what just makes it so fun. Summer is where memories can be made. The beach is also fun too because there are food places around the beach and after a good time getting in the water and coming back, eating some food is always just a great time. Same with pools, especially eating a sandwich after you get out of the pool which is so delicious and feels nostalgic. 


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