Posted On: 08-May-2024 03:26:28 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: bellabells1212


I absolutely hate being sick.  I would saw I rarely get sick, but when I do get sick, it is so bad.  I have the worse stuffy nose and a cough, along with a headache.  Being sick also makes me have no motivation to do any school work or anything in general.  If my parents let me, I would take naps all day if I was allowed too.  Usually, I can take naps for up to two hours, but when I am sick, I can take naps that are up to four hours.  I also do not like being sick because that medicine I have to take is absolutely disgusting and my parents make me drink soup but I never see it actually help me.  The last thing that I don’t like is that when I cough or blow my nose in a room full of people, they all look at me.  That is why I usually ask to use the restroom so I can cough or blow my nose in there.


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