Posted On: 09-May-2024 02:04:13 Posted In: Other / Other
Posted By: mari_123

things im grateful for

The first person i am grateful for is my mom because she has been there for me since i was born and she has struggled and suffered a lot to get us ahead in life, even though we don't have a car she always finds a way to get me and my sister to our games and practices even if they are really far away. The second person i am grateful for is my sister even though she is annoying i still love her and care for her so much and i protect her everywhere. The third people i am grateful for is my grandparents because even though my parents aren't together and they are my dads parents they are always there for us and take us places like Costco when we need to go or my games sometimes. The fourth person i am grateful for is my nina daisy because i can almost tell her anything and she is like my best friend and is always gifting me my birthday cake every year and i am grateful for that. The fifth and final person i am grateful for is my boyfriend because hes always there for me especially when i get into a fight with my dad and hes always there comforting me and he is like my best friend and i tell him EVERYTHING he is my chisme partner and he knows all the drama that goes down in my life. 


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