Posted On: 13-May-2024 04:46:14 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: blueberrymentos


If I had to write an adventure story, it would be about a cat that survived an apocalypse. The cat has to figure out how to live and also explore the world while trying to avoid humans, who are the villains, and also technology. The cat explores the world and has to navigate by itself. On the way, it finds a bird companion that helps it get around and also provides support and a good friendship. The cat and the bird explore all the ends of the earth together and eventually they both build their own civilization of cats and birds and all animals alike. They repopulate earth and fix the human's mistakes so that earth is as clean as it used to be and restore it to its natural beauty. This would take place in the year 2238, where technology is at its peak.


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