Posted On: 13-May-2024 04:54:32 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: sofi.garciaa


There was a mouse who wanted a cookie. The mouse coudnt get out of the rat hole. Soon after A cat approached the rat hole and decided it wanted to eat the cookie so the cat took the cookie. The mouse was mad so it came out and hit the cat . The cat got very mad and took the mouse and threw it. The mouse got up mad and started arguing with the cat soon after the cat ate the mouse. You could hear the mouse trying to get out of the cats stomach and soon after the cat had to poop. When the cat pooped the mouse came out even more mad. The fat mouse tripled in size and became a larger mouse and picked up the cat and gave it to the random person on the street. Soon after the rat was very happy cuz he was able to FINNALY eat his little cookie. But the cat came back later.


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