Posted On: 13-May-2024 04:59:35 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: SSavvvvvannah

J'money & his mom's money

One day I my friend Johnny invited me to an exclusive concert with a well-known artist. I was broke, so I was depending on Johnny to pay. Sometimes, it's hard to depend on Johnny, though, because he loves his money. Before we went to the concert, we had to stop by Johnny's house to grab a few things. While Johnny and I were getting stuff together before we left, Johnny realized he needed an extra few dollars to buy a glow stick at the concert. He looked for money and couldn't find any. He then decided to ask his mom. "Mom did you take my money?" he asked her. "No, why?" she replies. "I need some for the concert, maybe $20??."I wish I can give you some, but I can't find the $20 I had." Johnny & his mom were looking around for her money, I was looking too. After an hour of looking, we had no luck. We called everyone Johnny's mom was with today, nothing. We saw we were going to be late for the concert and needed to leave. We left, Johnny short of $20. We thankfully made to the concert in time. We got hungry, so we decided to get some food. Johnny got a nacho meal. I asked Johnny to pay for my meal, but he wasted it all on his meal. I knew this was coming, so I pulled out a $20 a bought a taco bundle. "Where'd you get $20, I thought you were broke?" "I took it from your mom, she her wallet lying around & I was broke so I took a few bucks." Johnny got mad, I don't know why he was so pressed, he knew I was living off pennies. He got over it and enjoyed to concert. The End. 


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