Posted On: 13-May-2024 05:20:47 Posted In: Other / Other
Posted By: victoria



I love summer. This summer I am going to Florida and maybe Hawaii. I travel a lot during the summer, but it's so much fun. Being on the beach, in the pool, and hanging out with my family. I will hang out with friends and family a lot during the summer. And have volleyball tryouts during the summer and hopefully I make the team again. Fingers crossed. I love the summer the most because of the break and it being hot enough at night so I can sleep without a blanket. During the summer I will and can be free to do whatever. I hope I end this school year with good grades and I'm trying my best because if I don't I won't be able to try out for volleyball. I love volleyball so this is why I'm trying my best. And hope my parents will be proud. Especially my dad.


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