Posted On: 13-May-2024 06:29:33 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Zuniga710

The evil pickle that took over the world

One day there was a pickle and his family. He had his mom named Lauren and a dad names James. He also had a sister and brother named Alyssa and Brandon. one day at school the pickle was feeling angry and he was having a rough day. The teacher was getting mad at the pickle for being bad and not doing his work. While he was getting yelled at he got up and ran out the classroom. He started eating all the desk, chairs, doors, eveything he could get his hands on and started growing bigger and bigger. Once he was bigger then half the school he started going into the streets eating everything and everyone. The police were shooting at the evil pickle while he was taking over the world. He then went on to try and attack the white house and right when he broke the while house down and ate the presidents head off the evil pickle woke up from his horrible dream.


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