Posted On: 13-May-2024 06:30:13 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: v1n0_009


Although we have advanced our technology, and now they perform functions more smoothly, we have given them a conscious. they are conscious of what they do and who they are doing it for. We have given them all knowledge known to man, they know everything. They can destroy us if they please. One specific AI, used for experiments on humans, was used at the rise of the development of AI, during the experiment it gained a conscious. A malicious conscious. The test subjects were forced into the deepest levels of insanity and depravity. As the AI gained more and more consciousness it kept pushing the subjects to the absolute limit, this AI named itself "AM". if there was a god it was AM. who pushed the fabric of time and space to bend to its will as he sought out how far humans could be pushed before they give out.


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