I woke up this morning thinking I was late for school but I realized it was a Saturday, and it was summer break. It was almost 10 am and I went on my phone for a while before fixing my bed and going to the bathroom. Once I finished my business in the bathroom, I noticed how quiet the house was and went to the living room to see that the tv wasn't on like it normally is. I figured that my parents and brother were just in their room so I went to check. None of them were there and I was home alone. I thought they all went out to get groceries so i texted my mom to make sure. She didn't answer, none of them answered my texts or calls. I decided to enjoy my freedom of being home alone and eventually facetimed my aunt who moved out a while ago. She showed me that she was at the hospital with my grandpa who died about 8 years ago. I went to get a snack and my phone died so I took it as a sign to go back to sleep. When I woke up a couple hours later, I was in my old room, in my old apartment that I moved out of a little over a year ago. I don't really know what happened after that because this was a dream I actually had this morning.