Posted On: 13-May-2024 08:33:49 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: zdelgado

me and me

Last year I was Zairah Delgado. I plan on being her every year. I see myself stronger and more active and moving around more. I want to be myself this year and stop trying to fit into other peoples personality’s. I think with everyone I hang out with my personality alters to fit them and I don’t wanna do that anymore it’s tiring. The last thing I learned about myself was that I go thru phases. I learn new things about myself everyday. I feel like every night I lay down when I’m going to sleep and think about life and what makes me me and how I feel about certain situations that happen thru out the day. I learn about myself by thinking like when I am thinking in my head and come to a conclusion that how I learn something about myself.


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