Posted On: 13-May-2024 08:38:38 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: violetteros3

Elisa's Story

Once Upon a Time a young girl named Elisa had traveled across the country just to see a young boy. Later that day, she went on her journey and had met silly creatures on her way. As she was walking she hears a strange noise..crack crinkle. "Stop! Who's there!?!" Elisa screams in horror. As the creature slowly crawls out of the bushes and slowly pull out her sword and screams, "Get away from me!". Once the creature fully erupts from the bush it stands around six feet tall and three feet wide. She starts to shake. Suddenly she runs away quick as she can sobbing. What should I do, she thinks. Is this where it ends? I don't want it to end like this. Although suddenly the monster shrieks. She quickly turns around to see that it was her lover. She had taken long and he hear about the monster in the forest and quickly came to her save her. 


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