Posted On: 13-May-2024 11:30:37 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Brena24

The Ocean

The ocean is beautiful. You are able to swim in it, go jet skiing, and other things you can do. But besides it being fun, it can also be scary in its own way. Like the sea animals that are the predators and just how deep the ocean is in general. It’s just scary thinking about what can go wrong when you're out at sea. Especially getting lost at sea is so scary because it’s just you and tubs and tubs of water. The ocean can be nice and relaxing, but it can also be scary. It’s just thought of the ocean being big and scary is just crazy and you never know what can happen next. Even on boats, boats in the ocean that go throw crazy rapid waves is even scarier than just the ocean being calmed and relaxed.


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