Posted On: 14-May-2024 05:10:38 Posted In: Beauty / #cute#
Posted By: mruiz16


There was a girl and a boy who were best friends ever since they were babies, their names were Rebecca and Andy. Both of them were known to be unseparatble because they would be everywhere together. For instance, if one wanted to go play outside the other would want to because they couldn't stand not being anywhere near each other. As well, both Rebecca and Andy's mothers were like them because they were best friends who got houses next to each other just so their kids could grow up together. Both Andy and Rebecca went to the same school together, they would always hangout with each other and basically had all classes together. But once they entered high school everything changed because during summer both of them just basically grew out of each other. It wasn't like they hated each other but they just stopped talking for no reason. When they would see each other in their bus stop or just in the hallways they weren't even able to make eye contact with each other because everything was so awkward. But there was a day where all of a sudden both of them bumped into each other and finally talked to each other. It was at first hard for them to even say more than one word but while time passed it was easier for them to make conversation with each other. From there they started talking and hanging out everyday, and they then confessed their feelings for each other...


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