Posted On: 14-May-2024 06:50:50 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: genesis.s


during this summer vacation i plan to do a lot of fun things. some things i want to do this summer is go to theme parks, have sleep overs, watch movies, go out to get ice cream, go to the beach, go on fun drives, and a lot of other things. i would like to go to laguna beach one day with my friends and get there mid-day so we can wait for the sun to go down, watch the sunset, and do smores after. i cant wait till summer so i can stay up late and wake up late and do a lot of fun summer stuff, this summer i will be going to mexico for a little so im excited to go and see my grandparents, mexico is my favorite place and i feel the happiest when im there so im excited to go. This summer i am most excited to get to hang out with people i enjoy being with.


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