Posted On: 14-May-2024 07:04:28 Posted In: Other / Other
Posted By: o3nati

Quince Planning

The date is getting closer for my quince, im extremely nervous and as the date gets closer I get more nervous. I cant believe this is actually happening after all those years talking about having a quince and watching quince videos on YouTube. It's really stressful if you're an indecisive person like me because you should be knowing what you want to get things done but im really picky and indecisive. My sister has been such an amazing help getting everything together for the big day. I dont think I would've been able to do everything by myself. I believe this is also healing my sisters inner childhood because she always wanted a quince but didnt get to have one. So I think this quince means a lot to her aswell as it does to me. She's in a way experiencing it through me. 


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