Posted On: 16-May-2024 04:52:00 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Isabella Lopez

A sad yet happy story

It all began on a very eventful evening in the middle of the night was when a baby on the news for being abandoned at a warehouse where they made clothes for the people who were interns at this job cite. The baby ended up going to this family who wanted a baby, and it was raised until the age of 16 without finding out the baby was adopted. When the now 16-year-old that was once a baby left abandoned, it left the young teen questioning why the family would do that or even if they wanted to get to know them because they might've not been in the best place economically. This later becomes a great story because the child ends up finding out who left them at the warehouse and asked the mother who had left their daughter at the doorstep, and she found out the reason why was because she not only could not afford her but also couldn't have the best experience that she wanted her child to have. 


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