Posted On: 19-May-2024 04:46:10 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: violetteros3

Six Flags

The first time I went to Six Flags was back in the summer of 2022. It was very fun when I went, but I had gone with people who have been there before and a lot. One of my friends actually lives nearby in the area. Therefore, he had been a ton. I was also kind of lost a ton just because I had never been there before and it was my first time. After that I went once more with another friend. It was so much fun with her. However, my favorite ride was her least favorite. Last time I went she was crying mid ride. It was funny because she was trying to grab her mom even though she couldn’t reach her. Sometimes Sixflags can sometimes be a pain during the summer, especially when there is a ton of people. However, you have to go with a good group for it to be as fun. Six flags is so much fun I 100% recommend going. 


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