Posted On: 19-May-2024 05:09:52 Posted In: Food / food
Posted By: violetteros3

Chicken Alfredo Pasta

This super yummy dish is one of my favorites. It‘s called chicken alfredo pasta. It is super delicious. It is the best with creamy sauce and flavorful and mouthwatering chicken. Although, I do prefer grilled chicken over fried, it just tastes better. It is also so good with a side of a refreshing strawberry lemonade and garlic bread. Garlic bread is so good when it is crispy. As well as when the flavor just melts in your mouth. It is so good. I also love strawberry lemonade. One of the best strawberry lemonades I have had was at IHOP. It had strawberry syrup in it and at the table so you could add more if you wanted too. They also had fresh pieces of strawberry in it. It was so sweet and yummy. However, I went to IHOP on mother’s day and there weren‘t fresh strawberries in it. I was so sad.


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