Posted On: 19-May-2024 06:33:36 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: violetteros3

Locking in

Locking in is something kids now a days say a ton. I also recommend it, it basically means to start or work on your stuff and keep doing it. As well as not getting distracted from other stuff. However, you can also use it in different terms like; playing a video game, when you’re in a relationship, and other stuff. I mostly say it during class though when my friends and I are talking instead of getting our work done. We all use it and just say something like, “Lock in bro” or “c‘mon we have to lock in”. We especially have to lock in because finals are soon and a lot of us have to catch up on missing work. I am somewhat very nervous, but also calm for finals. I have all good grades except for three classes. 


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