Posted On: 19-May-2024 06:38:25 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: violetteros3


I don’t generally hate bugs, but I hate when they are in my room. This one time a bug from outside showed up it my room. I found it crawling somewhere and I was only freaked out because I had never seen something like it before. It almost looked like a beetle but was brown and way smaller. Today I had seen them again and they were all over the hallway in the garage of my apartment. They freak me out, they look so weird. I also hate mosquitos, especially when show up randomly and are huge. Flies are also so annoying. Sometimes at night I can hear one buzzing around the days they get stuck inside. However, none of this happens a ton this is only sometimes, but it is still so annoying. It will be so late when I am trying to sleep too.


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