Posted On: 20-May-2024 06:47:13 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: blueberrymentos

My Busy week

The months May-July are going to be some of the most stressful and eventful months of my year. I will be th ebusiest I've ever been and probably the most drained and stressed out. I have 2 quinceaneras in the Summer, Mine on July 20 and my bestfriends on July 13, which is a week before mine. I am part of her court so I have practices twice a week starting today on Mondays and Thursdays on top my practices which fall on sundays. In addition, I have 2 volleyball practices a week for school season and I also have 2 practices a week for club season. Club season ends a week before July, so thats still 1 less thing for me to worry about, but I have to prepare for my last tournament and also get things together for school season. Additionally, I have to take care of my court responsibilities regarding my own court and what they need. This is going to be stressful but all worth it in the end.


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