Posted On: 20-May-2024 06:47:47 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: SSavvvvvannah


It is the final weeks of school and I am so excited for it to be over, yet, i'm not. I'm not very happy with my grades and I only have a week to get them all up. I am honestly really scared. I heard that finals will effect my grades. I am praying and fully relying on finals to boost up my grades. For all my classes. I really hope that the finals will help. This would mean I would have to ace every single final for every single class. It's easier said than done, but I am willing to study. I am truly relying on my final. My goal is to make it to honor roll with at least 2nd honors. I am on my knees, praying to God. Once i'm happy with my grades, I will be at peace. I'm nervous, but I think I can do it. Please pray to Jesus for me if your reading this. I am desperate for prayers. My grades aren't that bad, but thats the thing, they aren't that bad. Which means they aren't that good either. I need them to be so good that it makes my gpa go to a 3.7 or higher. I'ma pray for everyone else's grades too because, these are hard times.


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