Posted On: 20-May-2024 06:53:03 Posted In: Other / Other
Posted By: victoria

Strong Viavox

Strong Viavox

I going to be talking about this year's school year. So where to begin this year was my first year of high school and I give it an 8/10. Why? Well because although times were good. some things could have been avoided but people are just stupid you know. I can't control what they say or do but if I did best be know they would have some manners. With teachers, I think it could also be better I mean I don't think they understand what they do affects us. Let's talk about his class specifically. Computer science I only learn a couple of things. The class wasn't like any of my other classes. This class was very confusing on how things operated. I give the glass a 7.5/10. I think it could have done better. The points or marks were super unnecessary and the essay and project during spring break were IRRELEVANT. I do have to give points to the snacks. Also for the next class in a less typing club, it's useful but why 25 there are slow typers and it gets frustrating. 


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