Posted On: 21-May-2024 03:08:44 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: gsoto27


Today is my friends birthday. I went to her birthday party this last Saturday, it was so fun. I saw all of my old friends from my middle school. We caught up and just had so much fun. And then the beat dropped and we broke out into our moves, hitting the nea nea, hitting the quan too. We took a bunch of pictures, and had a money hunt. I got 4 whole dollars. The little kids egg hunt had more money than us. Anyways today she is bringing pizza for our table. We were going to get king taco but we changed our minds. Anyways back to the birthday party, the food was amazeballs and they had some bread rolls there and they were heavenly. I think I had like 4 rolls. I helped put together her birthday playlist that was playing at the party. We have been planning this party for everrrr. Im kind of sad it's over because now theres nothing to really wait for or be excited for. Actually I lied we still have 2 more parties this month. 


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