Posted On: 21-May-2024 03:14:09 Posted In: Business / Elon Musk
Posted By: Morales26

hevaen the monkey

once apon a time their was a monkey named heaven she was a really fat monkey. she ate a lot of bananas and ramen like ive never seen such a fat monkey before and you would think monkeys would be skinny because they are always active and are always jumping around. but not this monkey this monkey weighed about 1690 pounds she was very fat but it was a problem she could never stop eating bananas she just loved them so so much she was a banana lover but she said to her monkey self that she will lose weight she will start hitting the gym and become a gym rat she will become a skinny model monkey she will be the cover of top 10 hottest monkeys so she started hitting the gym everyday she was doing cardio all the time she was such a skinny queen monkey so now she just had to go see how much she weighed she looked and she weighed 130 she lost 4x her weight #skinnyqueen


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