Posted On: 21-May-2024 03:58:38 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: violetteros3

Finals and Summer

Summer is coming up and I am so excited. However, I am more nervous because we have finals and I have to study./ Especially for my Spanish class. i am doing good in mostly all my classes except for CS, Math, and Spanish. Although, I understand the concepts in math and CS. The only class I do not understand anything is Spanish. I don’t know why, but spanish class is so hard for me. Maybe it’s because I am not a “native spanish speaker”, but still. It’s just so hard for me to grasp and understand, but all of my other classes come to easily to me. I am so excited for summer because I have nationals for volleyball and I won’t have to wake up super early anymore. I am so tired of waking up super early. However, the thing is, is that I am going to have to be training a lot because of volleyball and the upcoming Sacred Volleyball Season. 


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