Posted On: 21-May-2024 06:29:01 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Isabella Lopez

Finals are coming up!!

One thing about me is that I actually do not like to study for finals and this is mainly for the reason that I think I know what I am talking about but sometimes there are things that I forget or I do not remember that happened in class. One thing that I have learned that has helped me is to go through the units and if there is one thing that I don’t understand I go over the unit and the notes that were given through it. I also switch from one topic to the next to help me understand the information I need to retain but not get bored of just one topic the whole time whole relearning it. I remember for over winter break I was trying to study in the order of which classes I had first so I began with periods one through seven. This week and next week I am getting my study guides and I am studying from periods seven through one. 


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