Posted On: 21-May-2024 08:29:28 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: bellabells1212

Finals Week

I believe that finals week is next week.  I am a little bit stressed out because I tend to forget certain lessons after I have learned them because then I have to learn something new after.  Yet I also think that I am going to do fine and be okay because, unlike last semester, I actually remember most of the lessons my teachers had taught me.  I think I just need to continue on studying and ask my teachers questions or for help so that way I am very prepared for when finals week comes.  I think my best scores will be in Computer Science and Geometry because, for me, those classes are the easiest.  I also think Biology will be good because my teacher has been guiding the class and helping us be prepared.  Like I said before, I think I will do pretty okay in all of my classes, but those are my top three, as of right now.



Wow this is actually really interesting!

May 26, 2024

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