Posted On: 21-May-2024 09:31:25 Posted In: Sports / VOLLEYBALL
Posted By: violetteros3

Energy Boosters

During tournaments sometimes I drink or intake some other stuff other than just water. Sometimes I will drink gatorade or energy gummies. The company is called "bloks" or "blocks". However, there is another form of energy and it's an energy gel. I feel like the energy gel works way better than drinking gatorade or eating the energy gummies. I find them way more effective. Although, I feel like bloks still help if you need a bit of an energy boost to help you throughout the game. I usually give all of my teammates a gummy before we play a game. A lot of sleep the night before will also help you be more awake in the morning and ready to play. The night before, I also eat a lot of carbs like fettucine alfredo chicken.


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