Posted On: 21-May-2024 09:43:41 Posted In: Education / School
Posted By: Anonymous

Sophomore Year

For me sophomore year was okay. I liked freshman year better because I think that my classes were a lot more easy but, this year was pretty fun. I think now that I am getting older though, I am now realizing that people change and things change which is okay because that's how things are meant to be. If everything went the way we intended it to be then it would be weird. Something I learned from this year was to take things as they come so if something happens that is that. Like I said before, it's apart of life so it's okay. My dog is getting older and she is changing because she is no longer a puppy and it makes me sad but it's #Igt. I just have to learn to take things as they come and cherish every moment I have with her. Even though things don't always go the way we want them to, we'll be okay. Some other examples are my grades this year, even though they are not 100% the way I want them to be, it is okay because I will still persevere and try to continue being successful. 


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