Posted On: 22-May-2024 02:45:39 Posted In: My Stories / life
Posted By: Joselyn Cruz

(Credit 1) what's uppp

I am in bed right now because I love doing my homework in bed, even though after I do it for an hour I take a nap and don't finish it, but it is what it is.Finals are almost here, and I have been doing as much missing work as I can, so when I take my finals and I bomb them, it won't affect my grades that much. Right now I have all As and 2 Bs, so I'm trying to bring those grades up. I have not gone boxing for 2 days, so I can do everything in my power so I can have good grades before finals start. My day has been fun and tiring because I have been doing work all day, and right now I feel like I'm going to go to sleep while writing this, but who cares? The only thing that matters is if my grades are good, so my parents won't be talking. They got mad at me because I got a B. I know, Hey, at least I didn't get a C, so I'm happy with that. 


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